The actor and writer Matthew McVanish presented in Spain ‘s campaign ‘Road to change’ in which calls for child sexual abuse crimes not prescribed in Europe and noted that for this reason has already travelled 27 countries to raise awareness ” of something they do not want to talk or listen. ”
McVanish, met Thursday with the British ambassador to Spain, Simon Manley, and had previously done with the Ombudsman, Soledad Becerril. He stressed that governments need to be sensitized to the problem and be aware of the “devastating” it is for the population.
Regarding Spain, noted that the Convention on the Rights of the Child signed in 1989 presents eight articles that contradict and requests the Government to be adjusted.
From his own experience, he has had who was also a victim of sexual abuse by her uncle to thirteen years and did not report it until he was 25. In this regard, he stressed that in the UK and Cyprus these crimes do not prescribe as in the rest of Europe.
Thus, he explained that as a result its supported by ‘Stop the Silence: Stop Child Sexual Abuse’ campaign, now, six governments are debating changes regarding child sexual abuse, including Slovakia, Malta, Romania and the Netherlands Baltics. In addition, during his tour he met with figures like Pope Francis, the United Nations and the European general counsel in December will discuss the changes that are going to perform.
“No European country is comfortable talking about it. When a child is sexually abused her future is destroyed. One in five people in Europe children is a survivor like me. Although there are different cultures and religions, when you you abuse one interfere child psychological development is the same in any part of Europe, “added Matthew.
He also stressed that both prevention and recovery focus on people open to talking about it. “The main problem is the silence and if you do not tell people who abuse children may still be in contact with others, and that is extremely dangerous,” stressed the actor and writer.
During the campaign, with the support of all the British Embassies, Matthew McVarish has received information through its website on cases of abuse that has been made available to the police.
From the May 31, 2013 the Scot has travelled more than 12,000 kilometres so far. According to him, “has more than the surface of the moon.” In this last phase, the route will continue for Portugal, Cardiff, Dublin, Belfast and Edinburgh where he will tour the last meters of the Royal Mile to end the campaign against child sexual abuse that aims to visit 29 countries, 32 capital for a cause. The actor and musician of 31 years has concluded stressing that everyone tells you that you’re almost home but you still have 4000 miles ahead, ie four months of walking tour.
original article here
I’ve just witnessed history being made, on the royal mile and outside Scottish Parliament.
You have been a pioneer in raising awareness of the social cancer, that is sexual abuse toward children.
I believe you have passed the key through the bars of a prison cell to many a child, caged inside their own fear , mistrust and shame.
You have shined a light into many a dark corner.
Your legacy will surely live on and bring the courage to many to speak out.
You are an embassador to all of us survivors.
You have my greatest admiration and gratitude.
Cousin Martin